Think Networking is a Waste of Time?
Then you’re just who we’re looking for.
If you’re a serious startup founder, exec or investor, you don’t have time for nonsense. And the vast majority of networking groups and events turn out to be just that. Startup Haven’s prime directive is to never waste anyone’s time.
Sorry, Members Only
Open and inclusive groups and events serve a purpose — just not OUR purpose. We can only achieve our mission of supporting founders by ensuring that all members are serious founders, execs and investors. Every new member must undergo a simple but thorough approval process.

What’s in it For YOU?
Many of the best things that happen for a startup company come from people the founder knows — recruiting, fund raising, problem solving of all sorts. Which people are most likely to be helpful? Hands down, other founders, execs and investors. When you join Startup Haven you become part of a nexus of serious startup practitioners who “get” what you’re doing… and what you’re up against. If you have it all figured out already, then this is also your chance to give back to other founders in a productive and scalable way.
Yeah, but…
“Yeah,” you say, “but there are lots of so-called ‘founder groups’ out there.” Here’s how we’re different from the ones you don’t have time for and similar to the ones you respect:
- Everyone must apply for membership and everyone gets vetted to be a serious growth-oriented startup founder, exec or investor.
- No service providers are allowed to join Startup Haven or attend our events, except a very small number of selected sponsors, all of whom must agree to a strict code of conduct that prohibits ‘prospecting’.
- We don’t charge founders to join or attend our events — we’re here to support founders, not to get paid by them.
- Startup Haven is local… and beyond. All members are encouraged to connect with their fellow members both in their local chapter as well as in our chapters in other cities.
To sum up: high signal, low noise.